Stolen vehicle
We are very concerned with the occurrence of the stolen vehicle in Keurboom Crescent on Thursday night.
As you all know, the owner of the vehicle expressed his concerns regarding the stolen keys to this vehicle, the same morning as the theft.
The camera footage will be examined and form part of the investigation.
In the past, we have had the “tag” and “sticker” systems. Both proved to be a logistical challenge, as no-one volunteered to manage either system, and we cannot afford to employ someone to carry out this function. In addition to this, the guards then focus on looking for the sticker, and not the occupants of the vehicle.
The greater area has approximately 650 homes, including the complexes, which have a very high turnover in tenants.
We also had issues with residents who would become impatient when they had to wait at the booms, and several times people drove through the booms, causing damage and unnecessary expenses to the road closure.
Legally, we are not allowed to stop or question anyone passing through the area. Dickie Fritz Avenue is classified, by the council, as a
“Class 4” road, meaning it is a main road that connects 2 suburbs.
Guards at both booms will be instructed to sign all vehicles in and out, after 21h00 in the future. If people refuse to do this, we cannot force them.
Any suggestions on how to improve security are most welcome. If you have any ideas, please send Callie an email, and it will be discussed at the next committee meeting.
Please keep being vigilant at all times, and please phone the patrol vehicle immediately, on 079 543 2958, if you see anything remotely suspicious.